A sampling of items available in the annual Spring Auction to benefit The Public Theatre in Lewiston. Submitted photo

The Public Theatre will be taking its annual spring auction online at thepublictheatre.org starting Friday, June 10, and ending midnight on Sunday, June 26. The auction features gift certificates for many wonderful things to do in Maine as well as handcrafted items.

Looking for a private singing lesson with a Broadway singer? A winter weekend at Sugarloaf?  An original painting? A beautiful diamond and sapphire ring from J. Dostie? A gift certificate to a local brewery or favorite restaurant?  A vacuum cleaner? You will find a wonderful assortment of items in this fun fundraiser for The Public Theatre.

As we continue our recovery from the pandemic, fundraising events are still critical to sustainability. This season The Public Theatre has been able to present four in-person productions, while offering them as Video On Demand for patrons who are not quite ready to return to the theatre. Our Education Programming has served hundreds of students with free workshops and continued support helps provide these important arts experiences to our community.

In addition to the online auction, a unique selection of items will be on display and open for bidding in the lobby during the run of “Be Here Now,” June 17-26.  Winners will be notified and given the location to pick up their winning items. Details on bidding procedures and a link to the auction can be found at thepublictheatre.org.

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