I support Deb Large’s candidacy to the Regional School Unit 2 school board. In the 20 years I have known Deb, she ensured all students had a place in her classroom and she was a voice for teachers.
When Deb takes on a new endeavor she weighs the commitment before moving forward. Whatever the topic, Deb becomes a student of what is in front of her, researching and asking questions to better understand the subject. She will bring this same level of enthusiasm and dedication to this position.
Deb is not afraid to ask the tough questions and have the difficult conversations while keeping the best interests of the stakeholders (the students) at the forefront.
On a personal note, I often went to Deb as a sounding board when faced with a tough decision. Deb has always been available to listen with an open mind and objectively, without bias.
Ellen Vickers
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