Cindy Turcotte of Bowdoin, Kathy Kauffman of Auburn, Kathleen Brainerd of West Gardiner, and Ginger Smith of Winthrop, rehearse for The Open Book Players presentation of “Dream … Until Your Dreams Come True!” Submitted photo

The Open Book Players will present a themed dramatic and musical presentation of “Dream … Until Your Dreams Come True!” at 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 22, at Oak Hill High School in Wales. This is a fundraising event with half of the ticket proceeds to benefit the Oak Hill High School Drama Club.

The Open Book Players usually perform at Johnson Hall in Gardiner, but as the historic building is presently closed for restoration and renovation work for the next year, the community theater group will present its 2022-2023 season at Oak Hill High School.

The cast includes Cindy Turcotte, Andy Tolman, Ginger Smith, Kathleen Brainerd, Kathy Kauffman, Jeff Fairfield, Marissa Morgans, Dylan McFarland, Marcus Gallagher, Destiney Samare, Sarah Rossignol, and Memphis Murphy. Musical accompaniment is provided by Saphrona Stetson and Curt Jack. The performance is directed by Lucy Rioux, artistic director of Open Book Players.

Ticket prices are $10 for general admission and $5 for students and will be sold at the door only. Cash and checks will be accepted. For more information, you can visit the Open Book Players Facebook page or website, or call 207-441-3210.

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