Comedians Nic Dufault, “Dead Air” Dennis Maler, and Dawn Hartill will deliver a night of live stand-up comedy presented by The River Comics at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 8, at Craft Brew Underground in Auburn. Submitted photo

Comedians Nic Dufault, “Dead Air” Dennis Maler, and Dawn Hartill will deliver a night of live stand-up comedy presented by The River Comics at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 8, at Craft Brew Underground in Auburn.

Each of these comedians is no stranger to the stage at Craft Brew and all three will bend over backwards trying to make you chuckle. Dufault, a founding member of The River Comics, brings his rapid-fire repertoire of rambunctiousness. Maler, a Boston comic and actor, has stories to delight and tickle you silly. And local legend Hartill brings it all home, as that lovable Lewiston lady will leave you laughing late into the night.

Tickets are $8 in advance for this 21+ show and can be purchased at, or for $10 cash at the door.

Craft Brew Underground is located at 34 Court St., Auburn. Questions should be directed to The River Comics at 207-200-5366 or

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