Bass Harbor Light art quilt is available in the Maine Music Society’s Fourth annual Online Auction. Submitted photo

The Maine Music Society is holding its fourth annual auction online beginning Saturday, Nov. 6 and running until 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 17. Details on bidding procedures and a link to the auction website are available on the MMS website

A vacation rental is available in the Maine Music Society’s Fourth annual Online Auction. Submitted photo

Items up for auction include everything from fishing flies tied by a local expert fly fisherman to homemade breads to a brand-new bike, vacation rentals, gift certificates from a variety of local businesses, beautiful artworks, photography, fashions and gift baskets crafted by local artisans, and dinner for four prepared by a local chef.

Winners will be notified and given the location to pick up items.

The Chorale is gearing up to present three performances in the 2021-22 season: “A Season of Celebration,” “The Greatest Hits of the Past 400 Years,” and “Elle Chante – She Sings” featuring female composers from Medieval music to gospel to contemporary artists like Carole King, Carly Simon and others.

Maine Music Society is a non-profit music-performing organization committed to bringing quality performances to the public through educational and youth-oriented activities, imaginative programming, and artistic excellence. It supports the MMS Chorale, the MMS Chamber Singers and the MMS Orchestra. For more information, email



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