Over the course of the past 18 months we have gone from, “Stay home to flatten the curve” to, “You will be fired if you don’t take the COVID shots.” What happened in between?

Did we have a world-wide pandemic of an unknown virus? Yes. However, I believe the numbers of deaths from COVID have been inflated. Insurance agents have told me of seeing death certificates listing COVID as the cause of death when they know the insured died of other causes.

Now we are facing human rights violations in the form of coerced injections. One cannot visit Canada or fly to Europe without taking the COVID shots. In France, millions are protesting vaccine passports because they are a requirement to travel by train within the country. Now even supermarket chains in France are beginning to require proof of vaccination to buy food.

Every American, healthy or unhealthy, has the right to decide what medication they will allow into their bodies, regardless of efficacy and whether or not it is FDA-approved. This tragic social experiment is discriminatory and medically and morally unethical.

One of the most interesting symptoms of the COVID-19 virus is loss of smell. It impedes most people from smelling a rat.

Claire Ryan



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