We are all familiar with racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination. But do you know about speciesism? It’s 2021, but highly social monkeys and rabbits are still caged alone in laboratories, billions of cows, chickens and pigs are still cut to pieces in slaughterhouses, and whales and dolphins are still trapped inside marine prisons.

It’s time to recognize that all animals — from humans to hens — can feel pain and fear, want freedom, love their offspring, have personalities, and value their own lives. That monkey in that laboratory or that cow in that slaughterhouse is no different from that cat or dog curled up at the foot of your bed. Would you let them trade places?

Aug. 28 was World Day for the End of Speciesism. Like sexism and racism, speciesism is an oppressive belief system in which those with power draw boundaries to justify exploiting their fellow beings who are less powerful. Kind people can combat this by buying only cosmetics that weren’t tested on animals, choosing vegan food and fashion, staying away from animal circuses and marine parks, and otherwise rejecting any exploitation of animals. Will you do your part to stand up for those who have no voice?


Tracey Horton


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