Augusta has made great strides in recent years. Marci Alexander has been at the forefront of those strides as an at-large city councilor. As the co-owner of Cushnoc Brewing, the president of Parkhurst Glass, and a resident of Augusta, I believe Marci is the right choice to keep the momentum going.

Marci has the vision, creativity, energy, qualifications, sense of fairness, and an unwavering belief in Augusta that will keep Augusta moving forward.

She is always looking for the next economic development opportunity for Augusta, the next neighborhood to improve, and the next person she can help.

I believe Marci is the mayor that we need to build an Augusta that will thrive for decades to come. I believe so much in Marci that I am the chair of her committee to run for mayor. Please join me in voting for her!


Tobias Parkhurst


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