What happened on Jan. 6 is an absolute atrocity and must be thoroughly investigated and every person who broke that barrier and stormed the U.S. Capitol should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Further, anyone behind the scenes that had any involvement at all should be held accountable and prosecuted including the ring leader himself. You know the guy, the one who was going to “march down there with them” but never showed up and hid.

They tout that they are patriots. They are the furthest thing from a patriot. They were no better than the mobs at last summer’s protests who threw rocks, fired weapons and set fires, putting innocent protesters, the public and law enforcement in harm’s way.

I know a lot of true patriots, some right in my own family, who fought and bled so that we have the right to vote and to voice our opinion in a nonviolent manner without being poisoned or jailed. Remember the First Amendment?

Despite, loading the courts with handpicked justices at every level, including the Supreme Court, manipulating everything from state voting practices to the postal service itself, strong-arming and threatening voting officials, throwing his loyal followers under the bus, he still lost the election. The 2020 election was the most scrutinized in our nation’s history and he lost. What can you expect from a guy who said the 2016 election was “rigged”? An election he won!

The Republicans who don’t want this whole horrible mess thoroughly investigated are either too worried about reelection and/or have taken the deep dive into the conspiracy world of make believe. Either way, they have completely lost my support, which they have had for the most part, for the last 40-plus years.

Gerard Austin


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