The Church of the Good Shepherd in Rangeley will celebrate 100 years of service beginning this month. Events are planned through summer 2022. Contributed photo

Beginning this month, the Church of the Good Shepherd in Rangeley plans to celebrate 100 years of service and worship.

Throughout the year, in addition to regular Sunday services, Good Shepherd will host several special celebrations and events to mark this milestone. “The Shepherd’s Arms — Celebrating 100 Years of Reaching Out in Love” is the theme of the yearlong jubilee.

The Centennial Celebrations will kick off at 8:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 22 with a service which will feature the premiere of an original hymn written for the occasion, “The Shepherd’s Arms,” with lyrics by Rev. Thom Rock and music by Good Shepherd Director of Music Robert Ludwig. All are welcome.

Good Shepherd traces its roots back to a group of area women who gathered in each other’s homes, eventually forming an Episcopal Guild in 1920. Within 12 months they had raised enough funds to purchase a plot of land on Lake Street, and move a former stable and convert it to the first church building. Bishop Benjamin Brewster dedicated that building in August 1921.

The expanding congregation eventually outgrew the building, and in 1964 the present lakeside building on Main Street was completed.

As well as regular Sunday worship, the church carries out community outreach through its Thrift Shoppe, hosting holiday meals, offering an Ecumenical Food Pantry and providing annual student scholarships. The church also offers its building to many nonprofit groups as a meeting and function hall.


A special event will be held each month to which the community is invited. These events include:

Wednesday, Sept. 15: A historical service featuring the liturgy and music of 1921, 6 p.m. with historical presentation by Gary Priest to follow in the Undercroft.

Sunday, Oct. 3: A blessing of the animals, 1 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 2: Community requiem Mass for all the faithful departed, 6 p.m.

Sunday, Dec. 19: Holiday carol sing with Ludwig, 4 p.m.

Fridays, Jan. 7, 14; Feb. 4, 18: Candlelight Evensong, 4 p.m. with a collection to benefit local charities.

More events will be planned and scheduled for spring and summer 2022. To find out details about these and other planned events, visit or the Good Shepherd Church Rangeley Maine page on Facebook, or call the church office at 207-864-3381.

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd is located at 2614 Main St. It offers regular Sunday worship at 7:30 and 9:30 a.m.


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