Dr. Richard Nickerson has been named as the new artistic director for The Maine Music Society. Submitted photo

The Maine Music Society announces the appointment of Dr. Richard Nickerson as artistic director. Dr. Nickerson, or Rick as he prefers to be called, plans a variety of performances for the 2021-22 concert season.

Dr. Nickerson presently serves as director of choral activities at Windham High School, a position he has held for 34 years. He is a highly-qualified musician with degrees in choral conducting as well as experience in orchestral conducting. A frequent guest conductor and clinician, he has made numerous guest appearances in the United States, Canada and Europe. Dr. Nickerson has served as the artistic director of the Boy Singers of Maine (2001-2009) and as chorus conductor for the “Magic of Christmas” with the Portland Symphony Orchestra (2007-2014). His choirs have performed for many dignitaries, including three U.S. Presidents.

Dr. Nickerson has received numerous awards including Maine Music Educator of the Year, Maine Distinguished Choral Director of the Year and runner up for Maine Teacher of the Year. In January 2009, he was recognized by Choral Director magazine as one of its “Choral Directors of Note”. In December 2016, he was named as a Top-10 finalist for the Music Educator Grammy Award.  He has held many professional offices including 2 terms as President of the Maine chapter of the American Choral Directors Association.

Dr. Nickerson and his wife, Linda, reside in Windham and have four grown children.

Dr. Nickerson’s opening concert will be “A Season of Celebration” to be performed on Saturday, Dec. 11, and Sunday, Dec. 12, at the Gendron Franco Center in Lewiston. For more information, visit www.mainemusicsociety.org

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