MANCHESTER — Signage and solar farm ordinances were among the items approved Thursday during the annual Town Meeting at Manchester Elementary School, as 22 residents authorized all items on the warrant.

Residents showed near unanimous approval for all warrant articles, and the meeting itself lasted roughly one hour and 20 minutes, according to Town Clerk Debora Southiere.

“Everything went very smoothly,” she said.

Town Manager Patrick Gilbert said earlier that the recently approved $2,031,982 budget is only $2,129 higher than last year’s $2,029,853 budget.

And while total revenues are not yet known, the town does have $684,771 in known revenues from excise taxes, the local roads assistance program, and interest on town investments. Once the town knows what its actual intergovernmental revenue will be, he said it will likely be similar to last year’s total of $1,065,678.

Looking ahead, the town expects to have the actual figures required to set the mill rate in August or September of this year.

Additionally, voters approved an item that would change the town’s current ordinance regarding signage. Changes include prohibiting moving signs, or any signs that create optical illusions, along with signs attached to utility poles and trees and any signs unrelated to what is available on the premises.

Residents also approved changes to rules for solar farms, which would allow scale solar PV systems to occupy up to 20 acres of land instead of the previously allowed 10-acre limit.

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