AUGUSTA — Two area men were indicted on sexual assault charges, and two others on charges of possessing sexually explicit images of children, in unrelated cases taken up recently by a Kennebec County grand jury.

Thomas M. Muradian, 73, of Winslow, was indicted on a Class A charge of gross sexual assault for allegedly engaging in a sexual act with a child under the age of 12 in Winslow, between Jan. 12, 2007, and Jan. 12, 2012. The felony charge is punishable by a minimum of 20 years in prison.

Muradian was also indicted on charges of unlawful sexual contact and visual sexual aggression against a child, in the same time period, also in Winslow and involving the same alleged victim. The visual sexual aggression against a child charge alleges he exposed himself to a minor.

And he was indicted on a charge of attempted unlawful sexual contact, involving a different alleged victim, between April 28, 2020, and May 5, 2020, also in Winslow.

An indictment is not a determination of guilt, but indicates that there is enough evidence to proceed with formal charges and a trial.

In an unrelated case, Dwayne M. Armsworthy, 47, of Augusta, was indicted on a Class C charge of gross sexual assault against a woman, Sept. 4, 2019, in Augusta.


And two men, both in unrelated cases, were indicted on multiple counts each of possession of sexually explicit materials, of children younger than 12.

Kenneth A. Penney, 54, of Sidney, was indicted on four counts of possession of sexually explicit materials, each in Sidney, on Oct. 1, 2020.

And Peter N. Davidson, 58, of Litchfield, was indicted on five counts of possession of sexually explicit materials, each in Litchfield, on June 2, 2020.

Also indicted by a Kennebec County grand jury, which rose last week, were:

• Ashley M. Ashby, 32, of Limestone, aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs (fentanyl powder), operating after suspension, violation of condition of release and criminal forfeiture of $222, March 21, in Waterville.

• Golda M. Beaupre, 39, of Wayne, domestic violence criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, and domestic violence assault, April 10, in Wayne.


• Jason S. Bechard, 49, of Walpole, criminal operating under the influence and operating after suspension, Aug. 22, 2020, in Gardiner.

• Ian E. Bell, 25, of Windham, unauthorized use of property, Jan. 3, in Oakland.

• Artem Bolduc, 28, of Vassalboro, theft by unauthorized taking, criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon — a firearm, and burglary of a motor vehicle, Sept. 5, 2020, in Waterville.

• Douglas M. Burns, 40, of Augusta, domestic violence assault, March 26, in Augusta.

• Charles R. Carignan, 43, of Waterville, unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs (fentanyl powder), and violation of condition of release, April 7, in Waterville.

• Samuel R. Cobb, 32, of Augusta, aggravated assault, Feb. 11, in Augusta.


• David Allen Fortier, 33, of Skowhegan, unlawful possession of scheduled drugs (methamphetamine), April 9, in Waterville.

• Timothy R. Gough, 31, of Harpswell, unlawful possession of scheduled drugs (fentanyl), unlawful possession of scheduled drugs (heroin), and violation of condition of release, April 18, in Waterville.

• Howard W. Gribbin, 55, of Litchfield, arson, March 16, in Monmouth.

• Nickolas Don Grivois, 32, of Augusta, aggravated forgery and operating after revocation, Aug. 29, 2019, in Augusta.

• Jason L. Hewett, 36, of Fairfield, eluding an officer, reckless conduct with a dangerous weapon, aggravated operating after revocation, criminal speed and violation of condition of release, Jan. 21, in Augusta.

• Joseph C. Jarman, 31, of Waterville, burglary and theft by unauthorized taking, April 2, in Winslow; and burglary, theft by unauthorized taking, refusing to submit to arrest, criminal trespass and violation of condition of release, April 7, in Waterville.


• Sarah Jones, 53, of Jefferson, theft by unauthorized taking, between July 1 and July 14, 2020, in Augusta.

• Felicia Karcher, 35, of Augusta, assault and violation of condition of release, June 26, 2020, in Augusta.

• Brandon V. Knox, 25, of Fairfield, unlawful furnishing of scheduled drugs (fentanyl/heroin), unlawful possession of scheduled drugs (cocaine base), violation of condition of release and criminal forfeiture, of $315, in Waterville.

• Myjour Long, 23, of Windsor Locks, Connecticut, receiving stolen property and two counts of theft by unauthorized taking, Dec. 12, 2020, in Gardiner.

• Jason P. McFarland, 41, of Poland, criminal operating under the influence and operating beyond license condition or restriction, Oct. 31, 2020, in Augusta.

• Gerardo Mendez Jr., 37, of Mesquite, Texas, criminal operating under the influence and criminal speed, Sept. 26, 2019, in Augusta.


• Yvonne Mour, 60, of Hallowell, criminal operating under the influence and operating beyond license condition or restriction, Oct. 24, 2020, in Hallowell.

• Clifford J. Perkins, 37, of Albion, burglary, criminal mischief and violation of condition of release, March 24, in Albion.

• John M. Picurro, 39, of New Gloucester, driving to endanger, assault, obstructing report of a crime or injury, criminal mischief and three counts of theft by unauthorized taking, Aug. 30, 2020, in Waterville.

• Joshua E. Porfirio, 32, of Benton, unlawful furnishing of scheduled drugs (fentanyl powder), falsifying physical evidence, and violation of condition of release, March 20, in Waterville.

• Alexander S. Re., 31, of Norridgewock, two counts of unlawful possession of scheduled drugs (fentanyl), Sept. 23, 2020, in Waterville.

• John A. Rubinstein, 75, of Manchester, reckless conduct with a dangerous weapon, a motorboat, criminal mischief, reckless operation of watercraft, operating watercraft to endanger, and operating watercraft greater than reasonable and prudent speed, Aug. 12, 2019, in Manchester.


• Tyrone N. Sanders Jr., 32, of Bronx, New York, eluding an officer and criminal speed, Nov. 6, 2020, in Vassalboro.

• Hallie L. Stevens, 34, of Waterville, aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs (fentanyl powder), unlawful possession of scheduled drugs (cocaine base), violation of condition of release and criminal forfeiture of $1,931, April 4, in Waterville.

• Scott M. Struck, 36, of Readfield, unauthorized use of property, between Jan. 6 and Jan. 20, in Augusta.

• Erica L. Theriault, 35, of Waterville, operating after revocation and violation of condition of release, July 11, 2020, in Litchfield.

• Mary Thomas, 44, of Winterport, two counts of theft by deception, Oct. 16, 2020, in Waterville.

• Charles C. Wilbur Jr., 33, of Waterville, aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs (fentanyl powder), unlawful furnishing of scheduled drugs (methamphetamine), and criminal forfeiture of $1,740, Feb. 19, in Waterville; and unlawful furnishing of scheduled drugs (fentanyl powder), violation of condition of release and criminal forfeiture of $5,000, March 23, in Waterville.

• Scott P. Woodhouse, 40, of Waterville, aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs (fentanyl powder), refusing to submit to arrest, failure to give correct name, and criminal forfeiture of $420, March 31, in Waterville.

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