There is a lot in the press about climate change and the need to change our old ways. One good response is to set aside land to help heal the planet; this is key and needs to be done. Enter Land for Maine’s Future, a bond that has been in play for several years. In fact, the bill to set aside tens of millions of dollars is once again up for debate in bills L.D. 983 and L.D. 687, coming soon to the Legislature.

There is a big problem, though, hidden in the language known as the “Kill Mandate.” To be eligible to use the funds trapping, hunting and fishing must be allowed on the land. Take away the Kill Mandate and all of us would be 100% behind it.

More and more people are seeing the animals and the land as valuable. They do not see taking life as “sport” and value the living animals as well as the habitat that is their home. The LMF bill forces all land trusts to permit trapping even if they do not want it on the property.

We are seeing transition to a more inclusive concept of life, one in which non-human species also have value, not as targets but as fellow beings on the planet. Beavers, for example, play a key role in keeping the land healthy and more resistant to wildfires.

Ask your legislators to remove those three words as a mandate and let’s save some open space.


Anna Weiss


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