Michael Vermette, 2020 visiting artist, working in the Lock Dam Camp. Submitted photo

The Allagash Wilderness Waterway 2021 Visiting Artist Program, which brings artists to the remote wilderness of Maine for two-weeks of solitude, is now open for applications. The program provides artists with the opportunity to immerse themselves in nature to interpret and share their experiences through their art. For summer 2021, one chosen artist and a guest will receive complimentary lodging at the AWW Lock Dam Camp for two weeks during August and orientation by AWW rangers. The application deadline is Sunday, Feb. 28, and notification will be made by March 20.

Lock Dam Camp is a one-room cabin on the northern end of Chamberlain Lake, one of the largest and deepest lakes in the North Maine Woods. For 28 summers, it was the home of Dorothy Boone Kidney and her husband Milford – where they provided information to canoeists and tended the dam. Dorothy wrote two books about their life at Lock Dam, “Wilderness Journal: Life, Living, Contentment in the Allagash Woods of Maine,” and “Away From It All.”

Lock Dam Camp is about 10 miles from the boat launch at the southern end of Chamberlain Lake and 60 miles from Millinocket, the nearest town. Amenities include hand-pumped running water, a wood stove, gas appliances including a cookstove and refrigerator, and solar-powered lights. Lock Dam is a favorite spot for canoeists traveling the AWW, anglers, and those looking for a quiet retreat.

Artists can learn more about the AWW and access the 2021 application on the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry website. Or by contacting Matt LaRoche, AWW Superintendent and Registered Maine Guide, at (207) 695-2169 or by email at matt.laroche@maine.gov.

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