I am writing today to offer my endorsement for Sen. Matt Pouliot’s reelection. Pouliot and I served together in the Maine House when I was speaker, and I can say confidently that he is the type of leader Maine and Kennebec County need right now.

I served in the Legislature during good times in the economy and bad times; I served in the majority party and in the minority party. I’ve seen what makes for effective legislators in all these circumstances. Sen. Pouliot is an outstanding legislator. He works hard for the people he serves, listening to what matters to them and avoiding partisan bickering. He works across the aisle effectively, and he digs deep into policy to make sure he is doing the best job possible for his constituents.

Maine isn’t in an easy spot right now, but I am confident Sen. Pouliot will help us find a good path forward.

Bob Nutting


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