Longtime Winslow town councilor and Democrat Ray Caron faces Republican Cathy Nadeau in the Nov. 3 election for the House District 78 seat in the state House of Representatives.

Now that it’s been sorted out which Cathy Nadeau is running for office, the Republican Cathy Nadeau faces Democrat Ray Caron for a spot to represent the town of Winslow and part of Benton at the state level.

Rep. Catherine Nadeau, D-Winslow, termed out after serving four consecutive terms for District 78. Caron, her brother, currently serves as the chair of the Winslow Town Council.

Both Winslow residents, Caron and Cathy Nadeau are seeking their first terms in state level politics.

Nadeau, a 59-year-old retired banker, declined to comment for this story. However, she filled out a MaineToday Media survey outlining some of her thoughts and priorities.

In those responses, Nadeau said she looks to use her banking experience to help with fiscal matters. She also supports affordable higher education and creating new and financially sound jobs in Maine.


“Balancing the budget will take a collaborative effort by all,” Nadeau wrote. “If everyone pulls together versus pitting one against another, we will prevail.”

Caron, 64, currently chairs the council. Retired after over four decades at Sappi Fine Paper, Caron looks to succeed his sister in District 78.

Caron looks to bring his 12 years of experience on the council to Augusta. He hopes to help raise state revenue sharing from 3.7% to 5%, see increased state funding to schools and an increase in the homestead exemption and see it funded entirely by the state.

“The funding of the above programs will be funded by reallocating money already collected,” Caron said. “Making cuts in other areas will be difficult, but the working and retired citizens need tax relief.”

Caron also wants to improve infrastructure. He sees the future in electric vehicles, and therefore is concerned that the gas tax cannot be the only way to fund infrastructure.

“Soon we will see dramatic decreases in fuel consumption and that will mean less revenue. How do we make up the loss of that gas tax revenue?” Caron said. 

Caron also hopes to increase internet access to rural parts of the state. His other legislative priorities include curbing climate change, keeping air and water clean, and limiting out of pocket healthcare costs.

“My intention will always be to get involved and work as hard as I can to represent the citizens and businesses of the Winslow and Benton communities,” Caron said. “No one will work harder and spend more time finding solutions.”

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