It’s 8 a.m. The heat is cranked in the car and you’ve got a sweatshirt on. By noon, a t-shirt suffices. At 4 p.m., the A/C is blasting again. And that is September in New England.

Every year we go through stretches of cool and warm weather at the end of summer and beginning of fall. While 2020 has thrown a lot of new things our way, this is something we know all too well and can handle just fine.

A breezy Monday with prominent northwest wind will allow the coastline to dry out and jump into the 70s with sunshine. In the mountains, high temperatures will be closer to the low to mid 60s. Clouds also will be a factor away from the shore.


The cooler air settles in for Monday night. A freeze watch has been issued for parts of western Maine. This watch, which will either get upgraded to a freeze warning or switched to a freeze advisory, means there is a chance for temperatures to drop below freezing in the highlighted area.


If there is a widespread frost, the National Weather Service will declare this to be the end of the growing season. Frost and freeze headlines are no longer issued in areas where the growing season is declared as over.

Either way, forecast low temperatures are going to be chilly everywhere.



By Tuesday morning, areas in western Maine and northern New Hampshire will likely be near the freezing mark. A few spots could even slip into the upper 20s.

Elsewhere, expect widespread 30s and low 40s.

Afternoon highs on Tuesday break into the 60s. The air will definitely feel a bit crisp, even in the middle of the afternoon.


Warm air isn’t far behind. Wednesday will feature a mix of clouds and sun as warmth and moisture build into Maine. High temperatures make it back into the 70s.


Not warm enough? How about a chance at 80 degrees? Temperatures on Thursday will spike into the 80s ahead of an approaching front.

Showers are expected Thursday afternoon and evening. The chance at a much-needed soaking rain continues to dwindle. Patchy showers are looking most likely right now.


After the front rolls through Thursday, cold air gets ready to drop back in. High temperatures on Friday will be in the 60s. Cooler, drier air keeps highs below 65° through the weekend, despite ample sunshine.

For the latest and greatest on Maine’s challenging forecast, follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

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