When Lisa Savage told me she wanted to run for U.S. Senate against Susan Collins, I asked her, “Aren’t you afraid you’ll take votes away from the Democrat?” as happened we wound up with the Republican Paul LePage. Lisa said, “No, because now we have ranked-choice voting.”

I have noticed that news coverage of our Senate race talks about Collins and Sara Gideon, but does not mention Lisa Savage. Lisa collected over 25,000 Maine voters’ signatures to get on the ballot.

Lisa Savage advocates reducing the military’s share of the federal budget, by far the largest in the world, to allow for a greater investment in green projects, such as commuter rail, which would reduce air pollution, and the threat of climate change.

She and others gave their free time to protest at Bath Iron Works’ “christening” of a battleship destroyer. Isn’t the Christian way to “turn the other cheek,” “love thy neighbor as thyself” and “do unto others as you would have done unto you”?

The protesters were arrested, went to court and were acquitted. Freedom of speech still lives!

Please mark Lisa Savage first in your ballot for U.S. Senate.



Lynne Harwood



(Editor’s note: An earlier version of this letter included the wrong non-party candidate in the 2010 election.)


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