What a way to start off the week! Wall to wall sunshine, temperatures in the 70s, and low humidity is on the way Monday. The northwest wind shifts to be out of the west for the afternoon, but is expected to stay relatively calm as high pressure takes control.

Forecast high temperatures on Monday. NEWS CENTER Maine

Overnight, temperatures fall into the 40s inland and low 50s at the shoreline. It will be quiet and calm, with clouds moving in close to sunrise Tuesday.

Partly cloudy skies and high temperatures in the 70s is on the way Tuesday. As a bit of moisture returns to Maine, there could be some spotty showers in the mountains, but most will have a dry day. A warm front will be to our west and comes into play for Wednesday’s forecast.

The warm front will be well to our south and west on Tuesday. NEWS CENTER Maine

As the warm front approaches, our wind switches to be out of the east and southeast, so onshore flow will push in cooler air from over the ocean. Temperatures on Wednesday will be in the 60s at the coastline, with some spots closer to 70 inland.

Clouds will be a big factor, too, with mostly cloudy skies locked in for the whole day. While a sprinkle at the coastline is possible, I think most will still be fairly dry.

Onshore flow Wednesday means it’ll be a cool, gray day for Maine. NEWS CENTER Maine

By Thursday, the warm front marches north. Some showers and storms possible as it does so, and it primes us for the cold frontal passage later in the day.


Thursday afternoon will feature showers, a few rumbles, and temperatures in the 70s to near 80 with more humidity. Showers and storms will be isolated to scattered in nature, so some stay dry.

Best chance for showers or storms comes on Thursday. NEWS CENTER Maine

Friday looks a lot nicer. Sunshine returns, and temperatures will be back into the 70s and low 80s.

The weekend might be a bit unsettled. A little too far out to say anything concrete just yet – follow along for more details as we get closer!

You can always follow my Twitter and Facebook pages for more information, though I am taking a vacation this week and will not be posting until after Monday, June 15. See you then!


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