Portland police say they are looking for a man who broke into Flask Lounge on Sunday night and made off with several thousand dollars worth of electronic equipment.

The burglary began about 9:30 p.m. when the man forced his way into the bar through the front door. He left around 11 p.m., police said.

The bar posted a video of the burglary to YouTube and Facebook, and asked patrons if they recognized the person, who appeared to be in his 20s or 30s with a goatee. The man was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and jeans and carried a backpack.


Flask Lounge posted on YouTube this security video of a burglary at the Spring Street bar on Sunday night.

Because of the length of time he spent stealing items, the bar owner wrote that she suspects the man may live close to the Spring Street venue and made multiple trips by foot.

He stole two loudspeakers, turntables, DJ mixer panels and alcohol, the restaurant reported.

Anyone with information about the burglary or the person responsible should call the Portland Police Department at 874-8584.

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