Great Falls Marketing on Mill Street in Auburn is hiring. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

AUBURN — Great Falls Marketing announced Wednesday that it’s looking to hire 100 additional employees as soon as possible to get ready for a boom in business.

The Auburn-based call center specializes in inbound calls for health and wellness products from marketers based around the world who advertise on TV, online and in print.

“We’re really fortunate in our industry we hardly ever see a recession,” said Steve Mondor, vice president of sales and marketing. “Our clients are telling us, ‘We want to spend more money on media, media rates are the lowest we’ve seen in a long time.’ With the projected volume, we want to get these 100 people up in the next two-three weeks.”

Mondor said the company, which has a second site in Westbrook, spent last week transitioning its current 340 employees to working from home. The new hires will also work remotely. The top requirement: High-speed internet.

“The rules for being an agent have changed slightly,” he said. “There were rules in the past that you had to have a room where you can shut the door, you couldn’t live by a railroad track, you couldn’t have a pet or a dog. Those rules are a little more lax now, obviously. You have high-speed internet, you have an attitude to talk to people, we have a job training program that we’re basically now putting into a virtual model.”

Customer service team agents earn on average $14.50 an hour, he said. Inbound and outbound sales agents, who work on commission, earn an average $18 an hour.


Great Falls Marketing, located on Mill Street, operates 24/7. Work can be either full- or part-time.

“We’re looking for all shifts right now. Weekends are really big right now,” Mondor said. “Whether you want to change careers or if this is a means to an end until your other job comes back, that’s fine, too. We understand.”

He believes the new jobs can be sustained after the coronavirus pandemic passes.

“Whether or not they’re all going to stay at home once we’re over this crisis … our goal is to have everyone in the centers just because we feel that’s the best way to manage and produce results for our clients,” Mondor said. “It might be a privilege to work from home” in the future.

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