China town officials announced an updated coronavirus action plan on Wednesday afternoon that detailed new steps the town will be taking to help slow the spread of the virus.

Detailed in the announcement was the new date for the annual Town Meeting and budget hearings, new protocol for the transfer station and town office and information on an upcoming program to help homebound residents in need.

The annual Town Meeting, originally scheduled for April 4, has been postponed to May 2, and the public budget hearings set for the beginning of April have been pushed to April 26 and 29.

The transfer station will remain open for trash and demolition debris disposal, but a 14-day recycling ban has been put into place, according to Town Manager Dennis Heath. The station’s “free-for-taking” building is closed until further notice.

The town office will remain open, but residents are encouraged to utilize the online services or to call in for service. The drop box at the office should be used for property tax payments.

A collaboration between China for a Lifetime Committee, China Rescue, China Food Pantry and the Town Office is in the works to assist residents who are incapable of leaving their homes or are at the greatest risk of infection.

The town office is trying to collect paper products and disinfecting supplies that the Lifetime Committee will then distribute to those in need.

Town officials encourage residents to check the town’s website for updates regarding the coronavirus.

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