It has been said that it is the quality of humility that makes leaders open-minded and willing to listen to others. A true leader doesn’t let pride get in the way of accomplishing goals and executing vision. A true leader is willing to take responsibility for his or her actions and doesn’t point fingers at others should things go south.

What happened at Tuesday’s city council meeting was very unfortunate for the city of Waterville (“Waterville mayor claims council conspired with resident against him,” Oct. 18″). Over the last few days, I’ve spoken to several folks who have voiced concerns about the breakdown in communication between the council, the mayor and the public during the community notes portion of the meeting.

In hindsight, I believe that things could’ve gone differently. Perhaps a motion could have been made and voted on to allow the speaker another minute to calmly wrap up his prepared written speech.

Also in hindsight, I recognize that, as an elected leader for my ward, I should have stepped up to assist during the situation. I would like to apologize now for not doing so in the moment. I would also like to take a moment recognize City Manager Mike Roy for his attempts to diffuse the situation.

Community notes is very important to me, as it should be for you as constituents and taxpayers. In my opinion, the community notes portion of the council meeting is a great opportunity for the public to voice their concerns and for us, as elected officials to listen with care, and respect.

Keeping this in mind, I look forward to working with Mayor Isgro and council Chairman Mayhew, as well as other council members, to ensure that the community notes remain a valued and integral part of the agenda at future City Council meetings.

Michael Morris

Ward 1 city councilor


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