A couple months ago, I was watching TV when a commercial came on highly critical of Central Maine Power’s New England Clean Energy Connect project. Then I saw it again a couple hours later. A couple days later I tried to watch a video on YouTube and the ad popped up again. I thought to myself, “Dang, somebody is spending a lot of money to fight this project.”

But we may never know who that somebody is. Stop the Corridor continues to refuse to answer several simple questions. Who is providing the funding for their advertising? What are they hiding? Is the Natural Resource Council of Maine comfortable sharing the same bed with fossil fuel companies?

You can tell these ads are written by people from away. They constantly refer to the “pristine” forests being destroyed by NECEC. These forests have been harvested by generations of Maine loggers. With all due respect, they are far from pristine. Real Mainers know what a working forest looks like.

We need more renewable energy projects like NECEC. Without them, climate change will decimate the forests and stunning views of Maine these out-of-state ads claim to care so much about.


David and Lydia Longstaff


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