WISCASSET — The third presentation of the Lincoln County Historical Association’s 2019 Winter Lecture Series will begin at 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24, in the Communications Building,34 Bath Road.

Jane Bianco, curator at the Farnsworth Museum in Rockland, will present an illustrated talk on Maine’s role in the creation of the Index of American Design. The Index was a WPA project from 1935-42, whose goal was to create a pictorial survey of the crafts and decorative arts of the United States from the early colonial period to 1900.

Bianco, who was born in England, began drawing at age 2 and was painting in oils by age 10. Growing up in an Army family, she lived in many locations as her father was assigned from base to base. She studied graphic design at the Massachusetts College of Art and received a graduate degree in Art History from the University of Wisconsin. In 2008, she joined the Farnsworth as associate curator, and is now the museum’s curator.

The Lincoln County Historical Association is a nonprofit organization providing stewardship for the 1754 Chapman-Hall House in Damariscotta, the 1761 Pownalborough Court House in Dresden, and the 1811 Old Jail and Museum in Wiscasset.

Coffee and pastries will be served. Suggested donation is $5.

For more information, visit lincolncountyhistory.org or on Facebook at Lincoln County Historical Association Maine.



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