As a woman, I feel that it should be my right to protect myself from harm by any means necessary. I know that I am not as strong as a would-be criminal trying to rob me or do something even more sinister. I also know that there is no protection order, just a piece of paper, that will protect me. Our Founders also knew this. They wrote the Second Amendment into the Constitution to protect our right to defend ourselves, man or woman.

Many people like to say that the Second Amendment only allows for a militia. It does allow for a militia. It also defines “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms.” The right of security and to bear arms “shall not be infringed.”

I believe all women should insist on their right to defend themselves “with prejudice,” or until the perpetrator is stopped or flees. The 25-plus new gun control bills going before the Legislature are going to take that constitutional right away from us all. That, and the potential of Michael Sauschuck, a gun control advocate, as the new commissioner of public safety, which includes the police, will put an end to us ever owning a legal gun again. Only the criminals will have them.

Remember, once they get our guns, we are never going to be able to defend ourselves again. As the saying goes, “When you need the police in seconds, they are only minutes away.” Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security.

Don’t believe the lies. Stop Stauchuck and the barrage of gun control legislation. Tell your representatives to protect your rights. A hearing on Feb. 1 at 10 a.m. at the State House in Augusta will be your first chance to let them hear your concerns. Be there.

Diane Vernesoni


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