Party affiliation:




Social media accounts:




Retired Colonel, U.S. Army


Master of arts, Asian studies, Cornell University; BA, history

Community Organizations:

Mid-Maine Global Forum, board member and president; Togus VA, volunteer; HealthReach Community Health Services, board member and president; Evening Sandwich Program (Soup Kitchen), volunteer; Windsor Budget Committee, member


Personal information (hobbies, etc.):

Hiking Maine’s trails, golf, working on the farm

Family status:


Years in the Legislature:



Committee assignments (if elected):



1) What legislation do you support, if any, to address the state’s opiate crisis?

I support legislation that funds community outreach programs for people struggling with addictions. I support increasing the availability of rescue drugs like Narcan to help reduce overdose deaths.

2) What legislation do you support, if any, to address failures in the state’s child abuse prevention system?


I support legislation to increase funding and training to DHHS in an effort to combat overworked, under-staffed and under-trained employees from making mistakes resulting in child deaths.

3) Should schools continue to push forward with proficiency-based diplomas? Why or why not?

I do not support mandating proficiency-based requirements onto schools. I believe this should be left up to the various communities, schools boards and schools to determine what is best.

4) Are you in favor of some type of universal health care for Maine residents? Why, or why not?

Yes. I believe health care for all is the ideal. Health care for profit has not worked in a way that is adequate, fair or efficient. Toward that end, I support fully enacting MaineCare expansion.

5) Do you support Question 1 (the 3.8% tax to fund the home care program)? Why, or why not?


While I am supportive of doing what can be done to help the elderly stay in their homes, I’m not supportive of this particular tax structure. I will work to determine other sources of funding.

6) Are you frustrated by the political sniping, exaggeration and even lies between the parties and their supporters that have threatened progress usually reached through respect and reasoned compromise? If so, what will you personally do to make the situation better?

This is reason I am running. I am opposed to the nature of partisan politics that seems to be commonplace. Being partisan is largely a choice for legislators and I will choose to not be partisan.

7) Tell voters something about yourself that they don’t already know, and might surprise them.

I returned to Maine after nearly 28 years in the U.S. Army. After returning to Maine I taught at Erskine Academy. My interest has always been to develop strong communities that enhance quality of life.

Speed Round

Should voters be required to show ID at the polls?


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