President Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., will visit Maine on Oct. 1 for a fundraising event with Gov. Paul LePage, U.S. Senate candidate Eric Brakey and others.

“I’m elated to host Donald Trump Jr. and have his wonderful assistance in raising money to strengthen our efforts in the final few weeks of this election,” Maine Republican Party chair Demi Kouzounas said in a statement Thursday. “It’s amazing that we’ll have a member of the first family in Maine as we push to get Eric (Brakey) and the rest of our candidates elected. The resources we raise here can go directly into the things that make a difference on election day. ”

The event, which will be held at the Holiday Inn By the Bay in Portland, will feature a private reception for which tickets start at $1,500 per person and also a public event that will cost attendees $100.

Also included on the invitation as guests are: Mark Holbrook, the Republican challenging U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree in the 1st Congressional District race, Maine Senate Majority Leader Garrett Mason and House Republican Leader Kenneth Fredette.

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Donald Trump Jr. leads his father’s eponymous foundation, which focuses largely on real estate development, but he also has been a top cheerleader for his father’s policies and regularly appears on cable news programs.

Eric Russell can be contacted at 791-6344 or at:

Twitter: PPHEricRussell

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