FAIRFIELD CENTER — Victor Grange 49 will conduct its Hidden Garden Tour from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 23, starting at the Grange at 170 Oakland Road.

The tour will take participants off the beaten path, down country roads and into the woods for a look at eight different gardens. Some gardens are quirky, others more formal; some, feature flowers, other vegetables, nine varieties of garlic and sister gardening also will be on display. Some of the gardeners will be available for discussion.

Tickets cost $12 in advance or $15 the day of the tour. A picnic lunch with ham, turkey or vegetable roll up, veggie sticks with dip, chips, cookie and drink can be purchased at the Grange by tour goers for $8.

For tickets or more information, email victorgrange49@gmail.com or call 453-9476 and leave a message.

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