Fire and heavy smoke forced emergency responders to evacuate a well-known inn and restaurant in York Harbor on Monday afternoon.

York Harbor Fire Chief Chris Balentine said York Harbor Inn employees called the fire department around 4:24 p.m., after the first-floor kitchen and pub started to fill with smoke.

In addition to customers who were arriving for dinner, guests who were staying at the inn were evacuated.

“There were no injuries, but everyone had to be evacuated,” Balentine said. “The employees did a great job of getting everyone out and alerting us as soon as possible.”

Balentine said the fire, which started in a small office area next to the kitchen, does not appear to be suspicious, but the cause remains under investigation.

Fire crews vented the building, at 480 York St., and everyone was allowed to return.

Dennis Hoey can be contacted at 791-6365 or at:

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