Sean Faircloth, a former Bangor mayor and Maine legislator, dropped out of the 2018 gubernatorial race Saturday evening and cast his support to former House Speaker Mark Eves.

Faircloth was one of several Democrats seeking the party’s nomination in the run-up to replace Republican Gov. Paul LePage when he completes his second and final term in January.

“I’m so thankful to the hundreds of people who have helped my campaign, but I am simply not on pace to secure the necessary $5 contributions required by the Clean Elections law,” Faircloth wrote in an announcement posted on his campaign’s Facebook page.

Faircloth said recently that if he couldn’t find 3,200 people willing to donate, then “we’re toast.”

Faircloth said Eves “is a proven and effective leader who I can trust to fight for working families. He has a proven track record during his time as a legislator of standing up for increased access to affordable health care, for strong environmental protections and for workers’ rights, such as an increased minimum wage.”

On his Facebook page, Eves called Faircloth “a strong progressive leader” and said he was “honored to earn his endorsement.”

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