A Brunswick man was freed from jail Thursday after being held for more than a year on charges of robbery and aggravated assault as well as a series of probation violation allegations.

Carl Langston, 28, who listed an address in South Portland on court paperwork Tuesday, ultimately admitted violating probation, and pleaded guilty to violating conditions of release and criminal mischief.

He was sentenced to 12 months in jail, fined $100 for damaging a courthouse bench and given credit for the time he has been held.

The robbery, aggravated assault and theft charges were dropped.

“The judge didn’t find the identification of the defendant to be credible, and we weren’t able to proceed,” District Attorney Maeghan Maloney said.

The woman who said she was robbed Feb. 20, 2016, in Waterville identified Langston as the perpetrator in a video lineup.


The woman, who is in Arizona, told police at the time she had been with Langston when he suddenly punched her on the side of the head, choked her, grabbed her purse, jumped into his car and fled. Langston had pleaded not guilty to those charges.

Langston’s defense attorney, Sherry Tash, argued that Langston should be sentenced to the time he’s served.

“He’s been held since Feb. 20, 2016, on charges that have since been dismissed,” she said. “The other violations happened while he was in jail on the robbery charges.”

Those violations included a series of phone calls — Assistant District Attorney Francis Griffin said one jail officer estimated more than 500 — to a woman he was prohibited from contacting.

Griffin said Langston lost the privilege to use the phone at the jail.

Griffin asked for a full revocation of probation, which would have kept Langston behind bars in prison for 11 more months.


“I’m asking that I be released back on probation,” Langston told the judge. He said he had support from his family and friends to help him get back on his feet.

He said he had been a mixed martial arts fighter, held two jobs and was up to date on his court fine payments when he was arrested on the robbery charge.

While he’s been held, he lost his jobs and training time, and his car was repossessed, he said.

He asked to be freed so he can attend a Department of Health and Human Services hearing in April to determine the custody of his son.

“When this incident happened, it was very devastating,” he said. Langston apologized to the court for making the phone calls, saying the woman he called was the only person who believed he did not commit the robbery.

“I can follow conditions. I can follow rules. I can do probation,” Langston told the judge.


Daniel Clifford, who identified himself as a “spiritual mentor and father figure” to Langston, said he came to the hearing to support Langston, who had lived with the Clifford family for a while. Clifford said he had known Langston for about 20 years.

“It would be unusual to see a sentence any longer than this one,” Walker said in imposing the 12 months and continuing the probation.

He told Langston: “I am hopeful this will end successfully.”

Betty Adams — 621-5631


Twitter: @betadams

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