WASHINGTON — Republican leaders on Tuesday proposed slapping members of Congress with fines and other penalties if they disrupt proceedings on the House floor, a belated response to the sit-in led by Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., earlier this year.

Under the proposed changes to the chamber’s rules offered by Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., lawmakers would have their wages garnished by $500 for taking pictures, recording audio or video or streaming video on the House floor. Members would face a $2,500 wage deduction for each additional offense.

The proposed changes, first reported by Bloomberg, also spell out what constitutes disorderly behavior on the floor. Such offenses could lead to referrals to the House Ethics Committee and sanctions for lawmakers.

Republican leaders have been under pressure to punish Democrats, including Lewis, for taking over the House floor for nearly 26 hours in June to protest congressional inaction on gun violence legislation. After Republicans declared a recess and shut off C-SPAN’s cameras, Democrats began live-streaming their colleagues’ speeches on social media, which gave their effort considerable attention.

The Republican-led Senate rejected similar proposals earlier this year.

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