Students from Mid-Maine Regional Community Adult Education graduated with high school diplomas and HiSET (formerly GED) high school equivalency degrees at Tuesday night’s ceremony at Waterville Senior High School’s Trask Auditorium.

About a dozen students attended Tuesday’s ceremony, and 35 men and women graduated this spring, Hannah Bard, director of Mid-Maine adult education, said last week. She said nine will graduate with high school diplomas and 26 will receive high school equivalency certificate. HiSET is one of three high school equivalency tests in the nation and is used in seven states, she said.

“Each one of them has worked incredibly hard to be graduating on Tuesday evening, facing challenges that would have halted others,” Bard told the Morning Sentinel last week. “They had to make uncomfortable choices to change their lives for the better. One of the best things about this group of graduates is that I know Mid-Maine Regional Adult Community Education is not their last step, but rather their first step to new journeys.”