In the 1976 film “All the President’s Men,” Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein investigate the Watergate scandal, which ultimately led to President Richard Nixon’s resignation.

Now 40 years later, the film “Spotlight” once again demonstrates the critical role that newspapers play in protecting society.

The film tells the story about how The Boston Globe’s investigative reporting team, known as the Spotlight Team, uncovered extensive sexual abuse by Catholic priests as well as a coordinated effort to cover it up.

The movie depicts the detailed, dogged and relentless pursuit of the truth by Globe reporters, whose exceptional reporting helped the victims begin healing by holding the leaders of the Boston archdiocese accountable for their actions. The power of their reporting forced changes, not just in Boston but also throughout the Catholic Church worldwide.

Here at MaineToday Media, we also strive to be a force for good. We hold powerful people accountable for their actions, and we shine a spotlight on the issues that demand attention.

In 2015, we looked at the increasingly poor condition of rental units in Augusta, highlighting the shortage of safe housing in the city. We covered the allegations and eventual charges against former Waterville Senior High School Principal Don Reiter every step of the way, always pushing for more answers and transparency.


We also uncovered questionable uses of the New Markets Tax Credits program, and our stories led to policy changes, including the closing of a loophole that allowed financiers to subvert the program’s original intentions.

This type of news reporting is expensive to produce. It requires a deep team of reporters, editors, photographers and multimedia producers.

It’s challenging to find a business model to support this important work. The newspaper industry has taken some hard hits since the events depicted in “Spotlight,” and we, like the Boston Globe, are having to cut costs to remain viable.

But our top priority remains public service journalism, and we plan to continue to deliver that in 2016. While we respect the work done at other media organizations, including TV, radio and magazines, no other outlet has made the financial commitment to provide this in-depth and critical reporting.

As we begin another year committed to covering the stories important to the people of Maine, I offer, on behalf of all of our employees, a heartfelt thank-you to our home delivery subscribers, our digital-only subscribers, our single-copy purchasers and our loyal advertisers for supporting our mission.

If you ever question the value newspapers provide to society, go see “Spotlight.” Your belief in our institution will be restored beyond question.

We’re here for you. And we appreciate your support in return.

Best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2016.

Lisa M. DeSisto is CEO and publisher of MaineToday Media, which includes the Kennebec Journal, Morning Sentinel and Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram.

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