I’m writing in response to Harry Grimmnitz’s letter of May 18, “One Readfield candidate stood out as bad example,” about the May 6 gathering held to meet candidates for Readfield Select Board.

That night, I was standing at the lectern with three people behind me patiently waiting our turns to ask a question of the candidates, which was what the night was supposed to be about. The man Grimmnitz referred to was sitting next to the podium. He stood up and stepped in front of me and the others so he could speak, possibly unaware of the four of us waiting our turn.

The man talked about the loss of his right to be involved in the new town voting process that had been changed by public meetings, open discussion, and a subsequent vote this past winter.

Eugene Carbona was 100 percent accurate when he said the man’s rights had not been taken away as he stated, but that he had voluntarily forfeited them by choosing to leave Maine for the winter. Carbona also pointed out the man’s lack of participation in the process that brought the change.

This childish fight by some Readfield residents against the town’s new secret ballot form of voting has run its course. Let’s have the vote this spring and see if the system is better or worse before condemning it. Our town has too many larger problems to focus on.

I would personally like to thank all four candidates for their efforts to join the Select Board, a tough and thankless job at times, with the desire to help our community.

If civility is to return and exist in Readfield, it will start by people getting their facts straight and ending personal attacks.

David Hepfner


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