I urge Maine legislators to support passage of L.D. 122: An Act To Standardize Pints of Beer Sold in Maine, which would require establishments advertising that they sell and charge for a pint of beer, that the customer would then actually receive a 16-ounce “full pour” of beer.

I’ve always been a beer enthusiast. I enjoy drinking beer and home brewing. I’ve been a supporter of Maine’s beer industry from the beginning. I was a teacher, principal and science educator for my career; recently, I became a beer activist for economic justice.

In most establishments in Maine, the advertised “pint” is actually less because it is served in a glass, which by design, is barely even able to hold 16 ounces to the point of overflowing, let alone leave enough room to include the recommended space for a head.

L.D. 122 is about making sure that if the restaurant/bar/beer industry says they are selling a “pint,” then the patron actually gets what they pay for: a full 16 ounces just like if they purchase a pint of ice cream or milk.

The beer and restaurant lobby has gone on record as saying: “every consumer is entitled to a fair pour of beer” and “a customer should get what they order and pay for and that a pint in the U.S. is truly 16 ounces.” Yet the “pint” glass that they refer to — and insist that must be used — does not even hold a full 16 ounces. These comments try to deflect need for L.D. 122 so the industry can continue the status quo of the short pour for the customer, while the restaurant/bar/beer industry boosts its profits.

I urge others to contact their senators and representatives and ask them to support L.D. 122. For more information, visit the website and Facebook page for Full Pint Association of Maine.

Bumper White, liaison

Full Pints Association of Maine


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