WILTON — Coming changes to the U.S. Route 2 and Route 156 intersection should lead to safer passage by allowing drivers to pull up closer to the intersection and check for oncoming traffic.

The plans were presented Tuesday night at a meeting of project manager Rhobe Moulton, of the Maine Department of Transportation, and the Wilton Selectboard.

A rendition of the intersection showed a protected right turn lane for drivers turning from U.S. 2 onto Route 156 toward downtown Wilton. By partitioning off the right-turn lane, drivers would also be able to pull up closer to the intersection before crossing the road.

“It gives the effect of narrowing up the intersection, which will be traffic-calming,” Moulton said.

The changes also include more paving around the corners to widen space for turning and raised islands to separate and protect lanes at the intersection.

Other safety changes, including a blinking overhead warning light, already have been added.


The changes have been discussed for years for the busy intersection, where the two routes cross in a dip. The intersection is known as a site where fatal accidents and accidents involving serious injuries occur frequently.

In October 2013, the state transportation department held a well-attended public hearing to gather public input on changes that would improve safety at the intersection.

Selectwoman Tiffany Maiuri told Moulton that she appreciated the department listening and incorporating feedback from the public in its plans.

“You really took into account what the public wanted,” Maiuri said.

Moulton said the project will be advertised in May and construction is expected to start in July. She said she anticipated the project construction being finished before the first snowfall.

Kaitlin Schroeder — 861-9252
