A Unity family with infant twins is searching for a new home after a fire destroyed their mobile home Sunday night.

Unity Fire Chief David Smith said no one was home when the blaze occurred at approximately 11:20 p.m. Sunday at 10 Landry Place, a spur off Crowell Road. Because no one was around to report the fire until neighbors noticed it, the home was fully engulfed in flames by the time firefighters arrived, Smith said.

The Office of the State Fire Marshal is investigating to determine the cause of the fire, Smith said.

Smith identified the property owners as Ralph Pagliaroli and his wife, Patricia. They were renting the mobile home to a relative and her boyfriend, Smith said. The two had infant twins together, he said.

No one was injured in the fire, which Smith said took firefighters about a half-hour to bring under control.

Fire units from Freedom and Albion also responded to the fire, he said.

Evan Belanger — 861-9239


Twitter: @evanbelanger

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