FARMINGTON — The Great Charity Auction United Way fundraiser is set for 5-6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22, at the University of Maine Farmington’s North Dining Hall.

The event will include appraisals by auctioneer Adrian Harris, according to a press release from the United Way. Participants can bring items to the North Dining Hall from 3 to 5 p.m. Appraisals will cost $10, or three for $25, and proceeds will benefit the United Way.

There will be cash bar and hors d’oeuvres, including a potato bar.

Auction items are welcome in advance. Contact the United Way at 778-5048 or visit the office at 232 Broadway.

The United Way of the Tri-Valley Area recently held its second annual Cut-A-Thon. Stylists from Hair Razor, Medulla, Silver Shears and Snippers donated their time and gave all $1,200 of the proceeds to the United Way.

A Button Brunch was also held last weekend at Franklin Memorial Hospital to celebrate the United Way’s Buttons for Babes program reaching a milestone of raising $30,000 in two years. More than 60 people participated. Money raised as part of Buttons for Babes helps to support the unmet needs of children in Greater Franklin County. Applications are available at