When I was invited to sign a nomination petition so William Dowling’s name could appear on this November’s ballot, I immediately signed because Bill, like his opponent, could do a nice job if elected Augusta’s next mayor.

His election could attract public scrutiny.

Bill Dowling oversees daily operations of Dirigo Capital Advisors, according to its website. Severin Beliveau is on Dirigo Capital’s Board of Advisors and is a founding partner of the Preti Flaherty law firm, where City Attorney Stephen Langsdorf is employed.

Like everybody else, Bill, Severin and Steve deserve the chance to make a living, and all three have done nice things for the Augusta community.

If Bill is elected mayor, however, I ask city councilors to routinely question him when appropriate, “How will Dirigo Capital Advisors benefit if the council passes this item?”

Immediate, forthright answers from Bill could prevent suspicions of possible conflicts of interest.

Bruce Flaherty


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