RALEIGH, N.C. — With the Democratic congressional primary race between former “American Idol” runner-up Clay Aiken and textile entrepreneur Keith Crisco remaining close, spokesmen for the candidates say they’re waiting for more clarity.

Aiken’s campaign says he’s confident of eventual victory in the 2nd Congressional District.

Crisco’s camp says he’s waiting for North Carolina election officials to check vote counts in Tuesday’s race.

The state elections board on Wednesday showed the latest unofficial results giving Aiken the 40 percent of the tally that he needs to avoid a runoff election in July and a margin big enough that Crisco can’t request a recount.

But fewer than 400 votes separate the candidates who want to face Republican incumbent Renee Ellmers in November.

Counties don’t tally absentee and provisional ballots until Tuesday. Election officials are set to review the count May 15.

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