Denis Thoet’s letter in the April 23 paper, “Harleys exceed noise by almost all other vehicles,” talks about motorcycles being loud.

I want to say it would be really nice to not see comments about how loud some motorcycles are. He seemed to comment on Harleys. Lucky for me, I have a Honda.

So, as for the loud noise, I used to live in Jay on Route 133 and I found it really upsetting to hear huge 4×4 pickup trucks going by anytime day or night and being really loud. And I really hate how radios in car/trucks are so loud that I can actually feel the vibrations, upsetting and unnecessary once again. Where are the complaints about that? Why don’t people complain for once about the trucks? Hmmm, maybe cause they might own one and think it is cool.

Pat PlanteChelsea