Washington’s Town Meeting was relatively short, and all articles passed as written.

“It took an hour and a half to go through the articles. And we had a break,” said Wesley Daniel, chairman of the selectmen.

About 50 people attended Town Meeting, which Daniel said is typical.

The article that received the most discussion, Daniel said, was for the town to receive the Levensaler Cemetery and its operating and trust funds from the Levensaler board of trustees.

The municipal budget will be $724,536, which is 6.8 percent higher than last year. The increase was driven by higher spending on road maintenance and pay and benefits for employees.

Washington will appropriate up to $186,000 from the Local Roads Assistance Program to repair and repave Mountain Road, part of a plan to repair 2 miles out of the town’s 20 miles of roads annually.

The selectmen are projecting that the property tax rate will rise from $13.20 to $13.70 per $1,000 of valuation. On a house valued at $100,000, that equates to a tax increase of $50 per year.

Selectman Duane Vigue and Regional School Unit 40 school board member Guy Bourrie were re-elected to three-year terms. Both ran unopposed.

Susan McMillan — 621-5645smcmillan@centralmaine.comTwitter: @s_e_mcmillan

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