• Published
    August 3, 2013

    Group could catch flak over elvers regulations

    The fishery will remain open but a board will decide next week on possible regulations.

  • Published
    August 3, 2013

    Lawmakers dig in for fiscal fight

    Both parties retrench, as the sixth showdown on the budget deficit looms.

  • Published
    August 3, 2013

    Rare Maine lighthouse lens to be a sight for more eyes

    The Maine Maritime Museum in Bath will display the Fresnel lens valued at $2.5 million.

  • Published
    August 3, 2013

    Strong alumni reunion planned

    STRONG -- A Strong High School alumni reunion is planned for Saturday, Aug. 10, at Strong Elementary School. Registration and social time will begin at 11 a.m. followed by a 1 p.m. turkey dinner and a business meeting.

  • Published
    August 3, 2013

    VIEW FROM AWAY: Backing gun control bad for Colo. careers

    Colorado is the site of two of the most horrific gun massacres in recent history -- Columbine High School in 1999 and an Aurora movie theater last summer. It's also where two state senators face recall elections next month because they dared support a sensible package of gun-control measures that could make future massacres less likely.

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  • Published
    August 3, 2013

    Ladies Night Out a success

    FARMINGTON -- Robin's Flower Pot Garden Center & Nursery recently hosted a Ladies Night Out benefitting Safe Voices. The night consisted of various activities such as massage, reiki, wine tasting, tarot card readings, live music and more. Women filled the venue to enjoy a fun and relaxing evening for a great cause.

  • Published
    August 3, 2013

    M.D. HARMON: One adjective colors feelings about proposed ‘tar-sands oil’ ordinance

    Residents of South Portland needed 950 signatures to qualify an ordinance that would prohibit what they call "dirty tar-sands oil" from Canada to be pumped by petroleum-handling businesses in the city -- and got 3,779.

  • Published
    August 3, 2013

    Literacy volunteers tutor training offered

    WATERVILLE -- Literacy Volunteers in the Waterville Area will conduct a three-day tutor workshop at Waterville Public Library. The workshops are set for 5:30-8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 26; Tuesday, Sept. 3; and Thursday, Sept. 5. Completing the three-day tutor training will certify participants as a Literacy Volunteer.

  • Published
    August 3, 2013

    Obamacare exemplifies the way of Satan

    The Rev. Jim Gill's letter, "Health care for 'the least' exemplifies Christian way," exemplifies the continued departure of Maine's pastors from biblical authority and submission to the Word of God.

  • Published
    August 3, 2013

    Fairfield councilor explains social media policy

    I would like to respond to a recent letter written by Ernie Canelli concerning the town council and town manager of Fairfield.