BRIGHTON PLANTATION — Parents and students in Athens and Brighton Plantation will have the opportunity to explore school choice at a high school fair Monday evening.

Both communities recently left Madison-based School Administrative District 59 in favor of forming their own school districts.

Athens residents voted to leave the district on May 17 by a landslide of 194–10, while Brighton Plantation residents voted Tuesday to withdraw by a 29–0 margin.

The high school fair is scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at Athens Elementary School. Dan Viles, chairman of the Athens Withdrawal Committee, said seven schools — Carrabec High School, Dexter Regional High School, Foxcroft Academy, Maine Central Institute, Nokomis Regional High School, Skowhegan Area High School and Upper Kennebec Valley Memorial High School — will be represented at the fair.

“Choice is something new for us, and we are excited to explore the options for our students,” Viles said.

The fair is aimed at parents of and students in grades seven through 11, he said. He said the committee has spoken to the superintendents of the schools that will be attending and that students should be able to enroll for the upcoming school year.


“It is a simple process and we don’t anticipate any problem. These schools have said that they have room for additional enrollments,” he said.

In Athens, elementary school students will continue to attend Athens Elementary School. Christy Morgan, chairwoman of the Brighton Plantation Withdrawal Committee, said young students from that community probably would attend the Athens school as well.

High school students in both communities will be able to attend any school of their choice on a tuition-paying basis.

Both communities also are preparing for school board elections scheduled to take place Tuesday.

In Athens, Viles is running for a one-year term, Vicky Avery is running for a two-year term and Alan Linkletter for a three-year term.

In Brighton Plantation, Michael Vernon is running for a one-year term, Bob Lovelace for a two-year term and Morgan for a three-year term.

Rachel Ohm — 612-2368