Concerning Dr. Janis Petzel’s letter in the newspaper (Feb. 13), I would think that a person with an M.D. after her name would be a little more professional in her attack on the Catholic Church and Father Kevin Martin.

Petzel cleverly sets up a “cute-sy” strawman (“Priest turns lead into gold?”) to diminish and ridicule the serious effort to help the homosexual wishing to change.

The ministry of Courage and Father Martin are to be commended for the support they offer to those wanting guidance, direction and change in lifestyle. Certainly not the strident voice of Petzel saying they cannot change.

Clinical psychologist Robert Kronemeyer, in his book, “Overcoming Homosexuality” (Macmillan, 1980), wrote: “Homosexuals are made, not born that way. I firmly believe that homosexuality is a learned response to early painful experiences and that it can be unlearned. … For those homosexuals who are unhappy with their lives and can find effective therapy, it can be overcome.”

Betty Armstrong (letter, Feb. 23) asked for people to “engage in a more enlightened, compassionate and honest conversation.” This kind of dialog is found in Courage.

Obviously Armstrong and Petzel feel that affirmation of the gay lifestyle is the “only” compassionate alternative to those homosexuals seeking help. Not so.

Pat Truman
