IN OAKLAND, Tuesday at 11:43 a.m., a citizen reported that a motorist sped through the drive-thru at Korner Store and Deli on Oak Street.

3 p.m., an arrest was made after an assault was reported on Elizabeth Street.

3 p.m., a citizen reported that a motorist passed a stopped school bus on Belgrade Road.

3:56 p.m., a reported assault was investigated on Oak Street.

4:25 p.m., a subpoena was served to a resident of Oak Street.

11:26 p.m., a person was transported to a hospital after a welfare check on Hussey Hill Road.


IN OAKLAND, Tuesday at 3 p.m., David M. Roscoe, 21, of 40 Elizabeth St., Oakland, was arrested on a charge of domestic violence assault.

7:12 p.m., April D. Meserve, 28, of 47 Sawtelle Road, Oakland, was arrested on a warrant.