AUGUSTA — The state ethics commission Wednesday found state Rep. David R. Burns, R-Alfred, guilty of violating state campaign-finance laws.


The commission is also referring the matter to the Office of the Attorney General for possible criminal prosecution.


Burns, a first-time lawmaker, is accused of spending at least $2,500 of public funds for personal purposes and falsely reporting other expenditures. Burns’ attorney, Bill Logan, said he and his client “respect the work the ethics commission has done,” but would not comment specifically on the charges.


He said he did not believe the attorney general’s investigation would interfere with Burns’ ability to serve in the Legislature. “He certainly hasn’t been charged with any criminal conduct,” he said.


Burns did not attend the hearing in Augusta.


The Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices voted to require Burns to reimburse the state $2,285, but will vote at a later date on whether to assess any civil penalties to go along with seven findings of violation.

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